Monday, January 17, 2011

'Dreams' Story

Assignment 9 : 'Dreams' Story
Date : 17/1/2011

Shadow is a dog that abandon by other. He was a stray dog since he was born. Every day when he out to find food, all the people will kick him out when he near to them because of his dirtiness. Besides that, he felt jealous and sad when he saw many dogs are very clean and some of them are wearing a very beautiful cloth and stuff with their owner. He wish to get this kind of life instead of just being a stray dog. In fact, he can’t get it.

One day, he saw an old man with a crutch going to cross the road, suddenly the old man crossed the road without notice the car are coming fast to him, this time Shadow quickly bark loudly to the old man as he knew that the old man sure will get stun and look at him over there. Luckily the old man didn’t bang by car and he save the old man life. The old man knows that Shadow save his life and decided to bring him back to clean and feed him. Shadow know that this world still have people will concern and take care of him though just a small little help to his owner.

Message : Life is so unexpected,for instance the dog's life changed though he just do a small case and save the old man life,now he no longer is a stray dog. Same to human, if we hold to make good things in our life, one day we can get the good rewards, mandarin said "好心有好报".