Saturday, September 11, 2010

10 Things That Describe Myself.

Assignment 1: "10 Things That Describe Myself"
Date: 6/9/10

I'm like a FISH,
i like to "swim" FREEDOM without any constraint.

I'm like a RULER,
sometimes i will STRAIGHT-forward say somethings bad without caring people's feeling.

I'm like an ANT,
i like to work in GROUP more than work alone.

I'm like a KING KONG,
i will PROTECT my love one to make sure they are safe and live happiness.

I'm like an OLD MAN,
i like to keep REPEATING somethings that i already mentioned and keep NAGGING to someone that i close to.

I'm like a CABLE,
i like to CONNECT with everyone in this world.

I'm like a DOG,
i always treat LOYALTY to my country,family and friends.

I'm like a CHIPMUNK,sometimes i am very TALKATIVE and NAUGHTY when i close to my friends.

I'm like a BEE,
i will REVENGE if someone harmed me.

I'm like an ELEPHANT,
although i am BIG,but i scare cockroach.