Thursday, February 24, 2011

'Dreams' Story (StoryBoard)

Assignment 9 : 'Dreams' Story (StoryBoard)
Date : 24/2/2011

These are the storyboard that approved by Joel on last Wednesday,but still need to refine and add few scenes. I will post it again once i done.

p/s: Click in to enlarge

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

'Dreams' Story (Final storyline)

Assignment 9 : 'Dreams' Story (Final storyline)
Date : 8/2/2011

Scene 1 :
Shadow is a stray dog. In an evening,he goes out searching for food and walk alone on the street, when he walk and walk, suddenly few kids throw the stones and bullying him due to his body full of dirtiness.

Scene 2 :
In another afternoon day, when Shadow goes out searching for food and walking on the street , he saw a guy grabs a wallet from an old man and run away. Shadow quickly bark and run towards to the guy,the scene become black few seconds later.

Scene 3 :
After that,the old man slowly walks forward to Shadow and saw he was biting his wallet but Shadow was injured and bleeding lay on the street. Old man knew that Shadow help him so he decided to bring him home to cure and take care on him.(scene will show the old man hug Shadow and walking on the way back to home.)

Scene 4 :
after few weeks later,finally Shadow recover from injured, so that he can follow and accompany the old man everyday with clean body. The most important thing is he no longer is a stray dog that always abandoned by other anymore.
